The following article first appeared in the Sep/Oct 2005 issue of JUGGLE magazine, the official publication of the International Jugglers' Association. The publisher has kindly given permission to reproduce it here.
Interesting variations occur when you switch from Outside Releases to Inside Releases: All three of the cups end up flying to each hand. The black cup is no longer bound exclusively to the right hand. The white cup is not tied exclusively to the left hand.
Hold the white cup in your left hand. The black cup is in your right hand, with the striped cup in the black cup.
Swing your right hand in a counterclockwise direction for an Inside Release. Let go of the black cup near the end of the swing.
The black cup flies far enough to the left to catch the black cup in the white cup. Catch the striped cup in your now-empty right hand. (see photo)
Inside Releases with the left hand involve clockwise circles. The white cup flies over to the right to land in the striped cup. Catch the black cup in your left hand.
Continue tossing Inside Releases and you will notice that the cups fly around in the order:
1st Pause: Left hand holds white cup. Right hand holds black cup with striped cup inside. Then right hand releases black cup.
2nd Pause: Left hand holds white cup with black cup inside. Right hand holds striped cup. Then left hand releases white cup.
3rd Pause: Left hand holds black cup. Right hand holds striped cup with white cup inside. Then right hand releases striped cup.
4th Pause: Left hand holds black cup with striped cup inside. Right hand holds white cup. Then left hand releases black cup.
5th Pause: Left hand holds striped cup. Right hand holds white cup with black cup inside. Then right hand releases white cup.
6th Pause: Left hand holds striped cup with white cup inside. Right hand holds black cup. Then left hand releases striped cup.
This brings you back to your original position of the striped cup nestled in the black cup, which is in your right hand. Your left hand has the white cup.
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