The following article first appeared in the May/Jun 2006 issue of JUGGLE magazine, the official publication of the International Jugglers' Association. The publisher has kindly given permission to reproduce it here.
In the Triple Release all three cups begin in a three-cup nestle in one hand. Letting go of the bottom cup releases the three cups to separate and fly freely from each other while in the air.
 Hold the black cup in your right hand. The three cups begin as a single stack with the white cup nestled in the striped cup, and the striped cup nestled in the black cup. (see photo 1)
 With an inside swing, release the black cup from your right hand. An outside Swing is counterclockwise for the right hand. (see photo 2)
 The cups should be fully separated around the time all three cups are nearly vertical. This inversion means the white cup is closest to the ground, the black cup is highest, and the striped cup is between the other two cups. (see photo 3)
Grab the white cup with your right hand.
 Let the striped cup fall into the white cup.
 Grab the black cup with your left hand. (see photo 4)
With your left hand toss the black cup into the striped cup. (see photo 5)
That's it. Congratulations on mastering the Triple Release.
 You can also perform this move with an outside swing. For the right hand an outside swing is clockwise. For an outside swing most jugglers will find it easiest to catch the striped cup with the right hand, the white cup with the left hand, and let the black cup fall into the striped cup.
 Many thanks to David Aiken, The Checkerboard Guy, for modeling the shaker cups move on this page.
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