Letter from Germany 27

Tuesday, August 24, 1993


born: Arthur Jensen 1923

died: Simone Weill 1943

79—Mt Vesuvius erupts, buries Pompeii & Herculaneum


Sorry that I haven't written sooner. Most of what I've been doing lately is writing, though unfortunately not letters. As part of my overall plan to have ten books in print I have been finishing several different book projects so they can go off to various publishers. Things were delayed on the second diabolo book when my arm was in a cast and I could no longer type or juggle. It's quite a challenge to describe things that I couldn't do. So, the second diabolo book was delayed—which was not too big a problem. Then we found a different German publisher who wanted the book on New Games/Parachute Games in a hurry. Adding that one to the list meant I was backed up on writing projects.


October is when there is a huge book convention in Germany, and publishers want things done with enough lead time to be ready for that. Alas, everything I write must be translated, so it makes things even more hectic. Anyway, there are still last-minute details to finish, but I have completed enough on my end for both books that I can take a small break. At some point next year I should have three more titles out, at least in German.


School has started again after summer vacation, so I go and see my students regularly. Some of them are getting ready to compete in circus festivals, and it is nice helping them polish their acts. Even though it's not really in my job description as juggling teacher, I help them decide on music, costumes, and choreography for the numbers. Actually, those chores are the fun stuff. It is quite a satisfying feeling when it works and a good number is created it.


Next week I will attend a European juggling festival in Leeds, England. The following week I'll be teaching a one-week workshop at a new circus school in London. Since I almost speak British English, it will be an interesting change to talk with people and have them understand me. Perhaps I'll find out that I'm not that good a teacher after all, and the students have just been doing a great job of filling in all the blanks that I leave in conversations.


By the time you get this I won't be working at the PX any more, so can't receive mail at the APO address. Please note the old German address (below) that has a new postal code. The whole country got new codes after the reunification.


The workshop in France went well. Six physical education teachers from all over France spent two weeks at the school in Châlons learning how to teach circus schools. As I taught them tips on how to teach juggling they gently improved my French so they could understand me. It was an enjoyable week for all. Afterwards, I went to Paris and saw Janine. She is being transferred to England to work for the same company. It seems like she would rather stay in Paris but an organizational change will give her more possibilities in England.


Berlin continues to be a fascinating place to live. I met an Armenian clown who will teach some classes at the school this fall. We went out for drinks; two foreigners trying to adapt to a teutonic life.


Auf Wiederschreiben


Todd Strong


Die Etage

Hasenheide 54

10967 Berlin


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