What could be more fun than juggling?
Click here to see a short video of "Mr. World", a mechanical, wind-up juggler.
Here are some ball juggling patterns. The patterns are organized around the different ways one can throw a juggling ball. My experience has been that breaking down variations into how one throws has proven useful for many people.
Siteswap is a method of numbering juggling patterns. The number refers to the throwing order. A ball that is thrown with the number three will appear three steps down the sequence. As a result, one can use the numbers to estimate the height of throws. A five needs to be thrown higher than a three, as the five will show up five steps down the sequence.
Siteswaps don't specify what type of throw. As a result, the system is a different way of looking at juggling patterns. It can be very valuable.
The links above will take you to the different points in the outline. Links in the outline will take you to pages with animated GIFs showing some of the variations. Additional GIF files will be added.
Table of Contents Introduction Section One - Learning How to Juggle
What type of juggling balls?Size Weight Color MaterialOne Ballrelease one ball out of a three ball cascade = 300Two Ballstwo ball exchange = 330 Two in One HandColumnsFountain - Circles Out
Reverse Fountain - Circles In
Sloppy, Difficult Way to Juggle two balls in one handThree BallsMaking Corrections
Section Two - Variations with Three Balls (Back to top)
CascadeHigh Cascade Low Cascade Wide CascadeCascade from Overhead Throw One Ball High and then begin the juggle High Throw with a PauseHigh Throw with a Two Ball ExchangeReverse CascadePing-Pong variation Half-ShowerHigh half shower Half-Shower in the other direction Wide reverse cascadeStatue of LibertySecond Way to learn Statue of Liberty Underarm Statue of Liberty Tim's Tumble Tim's Over Tumble Tim's Under TumbleAdam's Web Fountain (covered in section one)3B - 2B in right hand 3B - 2B in left hand Two in one hand tennisColumnsTwo balls in right hand, one in left Two balls in left hand, one in rightAlternating middle ball between both hands weaving middle ball through pattern middle ball makes figure eight through pattern Ping Pong with Columns middle ball makes race pattern around two columns, showers around columnsmiddle ball makes box around both columns cut throughsFalse Columns < - Faking a throw with one hand
- yo-yo
- oy-oy
- Double Yo-Yos
- cut through pattern holding ball
- cut through pattern throwing ball
- circle through pattern
- horizontal line with left hand
- The Box
- Box
- First way to learn box
- second way to learn box
- Double box = extended box
- Variations on the Box
Hand Out of Home Position
Crossed Arms
- Throwing Under the Arm
- Reverse Cascade with Crossed-Arms
- Ping Pong with Arms Crossed
- Eight Count Crossed Arms Columns
- Four Count Catch Open, Throw Crossed Columns
- Four Count Catch Crossed, Throw Open Columns
- Four Count Catch Crossed, Throw Crossed Columns
- Cross-Arm Yo-yo
- Crossed-Arm Double Yo-Yo
- Mill's Mess Family
- Mike's Mess
- Time-Reverse Mike's Mess
- Mills Mess
- Preliminary Exercise for Mill's Mess
- Mills Mess with more obvious U-ball path
- Variation on Mills Mess
- Half Mills Mess
- Half Mill's Mess from Top
- Inverted Mess
- Half of the Inverted Mess
- Candelabra
- Time Reversed Mills Mess
- Mills Mess with a Front Fake Shower
- Flipped Mills Mess
- SiteSwap and Mills Mess
- 423 Mills Mess (Variation A)
- 423 Mills Mess (Variation B)
- 423 Mills Mess (Variation C)
- 441 Mills Mess (Variation A)
- 441 Mills (Variation B)
- 441 Mills (Variation C)
- 522 Mills Mess (Variation A)
- 522 Mills Mess (Variation B)
- 522 Mills Mess (Variation C)
- 531 Mills (Variation A)
- 531 Mills (Variation B)
- 531 Mills (Variation C)
- Gillson's five count variation
- Shower Mess
- Boston Mess
- Half Boston Mess
- Two Ball Start for a Half Boston Mess
- Half Boston Mess with One Hand Claw
- Boston Mess with Both Hands Claw
- 42333
- Boston Pull-Through
- Boston Carry-Over
- Boston Carry-Over with a Claw
- Burke's Barrage
- Right, right, left left with crossed arms
- Burke's Barrage going under the ball
- Burke's Barrage going over the ball
- Right, Right, Left Left Patterns
- Basic Right, Right, Left, Left
- Overhand Throw of Right, Right, Left, Left
- Time Reversed Burke's Barrage
- 441 Burke's Barrage
- Rubenstein's Revenge
- Rubenstein's Revenge with Tennising U-Ball
- Rubenstein's with U-Ball Cut-Throughs
- Rubenstein's Revenge Orbiting the U-Ball
- RR with U-ball orbiting both sides
- Orbit
- Chops to the outside
- Variation on Runbenstein's Revenge
- Time Reversed Rubenstein's Revenge
- /2.0 Hard Drive/perceptualmotion_site/time_reverse_rr.htm
- Jay's Jazz (named after Jay Gilligan)
- Sean's Shuffle Sean Gandini's Pattern
- Sascha's Spaghetti
- Eric's Extension
- Penman's Pandemonium
- Penman's Pandemonium - Horizontal variation
- Penman's Pandemonium - U-ball inside of black ball
- Preliminary Exercise for Claws
- How to Learn Claws
- chops
- clawed chops
- wheel
- triple claw
- Tissage
- Box with Slaps
- Claws with Carries
- Carry Under
- Reverse Chops
- Second Type of Reverse Chops
Juggling Around the Body
Juggling with Other Parts of the Body (Back to top)
Under the Chinstarting under the chin finishing Under the Chin eat the Apple TrickTouch the ball to the body On Top of the Head Back of hand - FingerplexFingerplex toss upforktwo ball fork exchange Twist &endash; Three ball fork exchangeBall surfing &endash;Rolling balls along the arms Neck catch Elbow catch Foot juggling Foot catch Fingerplex Bounces and SlapsBounce off the hand Bounce off the forearm Roll off head Hand, forearm, head progression Flick off &endash; Bounce off a held ball Kangaroo &endash; Bounce off the shirt Bounce off the knee bounce off knee to foot then return to juggle
Right, Right, Left Multiplex two balls with the left hand Right, Right, Left Multiplex Cascade and Reverse Cascade Mulitplexes Split Multiplexes and Non-split multiplexes [33]33 [32]3 [54][22]2 [33][33]3Five Ball Split MultiplexCascade MultiplexSplit Multiplex Non-split multiplex
Split Non-split
- Triangle - The Escalator
- The Machine
- Two Cycle Machine
- Double Handed Machine
- The Machine Around the Head
Slicecontinuous slicingTwo hand weave Disappearing ball
Bounce Juggling
Four Ball Bounce Patterns
Section Three &endash; What else can you do with three balls? (Back to top)
Juggling non standard objectsDisparate Weights beach ball juggling comet - scarf tied around ballStarts, Stops and TransitionsHat finish hopstop stack and carry start Transitions from four to five to four Vesuvius &endash; Five ball startMoving While Jugglingpirouette (1 high, 2 high and 3 high)flash pirouette half-pirouette continuous half-pirouettesjoggling
Section Four - Four Balls and Variations (Back to top)
- Two Ball Right Hand Columns
- Two Ball Left Hand Columns
- Four Ball Synchronous Columns Outside - Inside
- Four Ball Synchronous Columns Right side - Left side
Staggered ColumnsFour Ball Asynchronous Columns - Right In, Left Out Four Ball Asynchronous Columns - Right In, Left InSplits Fountain - Circles Out
- Two Ball Right Hand Fountain
- Two Ball Left Hand Fountain
- Four Ball Fountain with One Ghost Ball
- Four Ball Synchronous Fountain
- Four Ball Asynchronous (Staggered) Fountain
Reverse Fountain - Inside CirclesSynchronous Reverse Fountain Aynchronous (Staggered) Reverse FountainFour Balls in Two Wall Planes Four Balls Crossed
- Four Ball Half-Shower Clockwise (juggler's perspective)
- Four Ball Half-shower Counterclockwise (juggler's perspective)
- Switching Between both Directions
- Four Ball Half-Shower
- Shower
- Four Ball Wimpy Pattern
Four Ball Bounce, Juggle
Four Balls, One High to Three
- 63641
- 714
- 741
- 7531
- 7333
- Four Ball False Shower
Four in one hand bounce
Burke's Barrage with Four Balls
Four Ball Mills Mess (below are four methods to learn the 4BMM
- Method One: The Rules of Mills Mess
- Two balls in each hand
- Hands Cross and Uncross as in Mills Mess
- Cycles of three balls Across
- Method Two: Multiplexing from three to four
- Begin with four balls in each hand but juggle a three ball Mills Mess
- Hand that throws under multiplexes one beat
- Go into a four ball Mills Mess
- Begin white, black in each hand if left hand is on top
- Begin white, black in left and black, white in right if left hand is on top
- Method Three: Alternating False Showers
- Learn Four Ball False Showers in each direction
- Switch direction after every third beat
- Method Four: Slow, tedious process
- Two Balls in One Hand
- Continous Two Balls in One Hand
- Four Ball Mills Mess with only Three balls
- Continuous Three Ball Four Ball Mills Mess
Four Ball Burke's Barrage Four Ball Cross Bounce 633 Bounce
Section Five - The Numbers Game - Five and more balls (Back to top)
Three in one handColumns Three ball fountain in the right hand Reverse Fountain CascadeFive BallsLearning Five Ball Cacade
- Juggling Three Balls as High as Five Balls
- Three Balls Low and Fast
- 3555003 - Three Ball Flash
- Three Balls High, Snap Fingers During Pause
- 50500 - Two Ball Snake
- 52512
- 552
- Five Ball Standing Flash
- Partners Learn to Throw and Catch Five Balls
- Five Ball Freeze
- three ball flash = 55500
- gap = 55500
- gap = 55550
- chase = snake = 50505
- 5551
- Some Potential Problems to Watch For
- Five Balls with the Peaks at Two Different Heights
- Correcting the X (crossing point)
- Juggling five balls not in the wall plane
Five Ball Reverse Cascadehalf-shower = (4x,6x) half-shower on 5, (4x,6x) or 73 Tennis Full Reverse CascadeShowershower = 91 Multiplexshower High Low ShowerColumnsMartinMultiplexFive Ball Stacked Multiplex Five Ball Split Multiplex one-up four-upMills MessMills Mess columns (three variations)Five Ball bounceLift bounce Force bounce Five Ball column bounceSix Balls Seven Balls - Cascade Eight Ballscascade fountain = 8 half shower = 97Nine Balls
Section Six - Site Swaps (Back to top)
Three Ball Site SwapsFour Ball Site SwapsFive Ball Site Swaps
Section Seven - Juggling with Friends (Back to top)
StealsrunaroundPassingEvery third every others &endash; four count everies &endash; two count Two handed passingThree count One countfour four eight three three ten Passing Formations for three or moreLine Triangle W-feed
Section Eight - Practice Tips and Techniques (Back to top)
Space Mind Set Counting Timing The Soviet Method of Numbers JugglingCorrecting the X Other Theories of Numbers Juggling Personal thoughts Modifications on the Russian MethodStepwise LearningWorking at different levelsAre You a Thrower or a Catcher? Where Do You Look?
Section Nine - Some Thoughts on Performing (Back to top)
Share Your Love Character Costume Props Choreography Working with musicChoosing music What time signature? Finding and using the strong beatsIt takes ten years to become an overnight sensation Routine Lighting Handling Drops
Afterward-A Million Ways to Juggle Balls, at Least - Inventing New Variations
Copyright © Todd Strong
All rights reserved.
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This web site was last updated on October 1, 2023.